Tiger Resources Ltd is an Australian-based company focused on the discovery, development and exploration of high-grade copper/cobalt deposits in the world-renowned Katanga Copper Belt in the DRC.
Board of Directors
Tiger has an interest in a number of highly prospective projects covering 1,550km2, including the Kipoi, Lupoto and La Patience projects.
Share price ASX: TGS

Caroline Keats (Managing Director and CEO)
Ms Keats has 20 years of corporate and commercial experience and has served in various executive roles. For nearly 15 of those years she worked in the mining industry in Australia and foreign jurisdictions. Prior to working on the corporate side, she was with both a top-tier national law firm, as well as a boutique mining law firm.
Ms Keats is a seasoned business executive who brings significant corporate, commercial and operations experience to this role. In particular, her background with African mining operations, and specifically her work within the DRC, will be vital as she continues to drive the Company through the restructuring process.
Ms Keats is a seasoned business executive who brings significant corporate, commercial and operations experience to this role. In particular, her background with African mining operations, and specifically her work within the DRC, will be vital as she continues to drive the Company through the restructuring process.
Rachel Johnston (Non-Executive Director)
Ms Johnston is a sustainability professional with experience in mining from exploration through to production. She has lived in Francophone Africa for over 25 years and is fluent in French. Previous industry related positions include Administration Manager and then CEO of Sahara Geoservices based in Burkina Faso, West Africa. Later she joined Truegold Mining Corporation as CSR Manager, and most recently Endeavour Mining Corporation as Regional CSR Coordinator for West Africa. Through these roles Ms Johnson has obtained extensive practical experience of the social, administrative, management, government and labour relations issues that arise in the development and operation of African mining projects.
Before joining the mining sector, Ms Johnston managed community humanitarian and development projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burkina Faso. She has an MSc in International
Development Management.
Ms Johnston is the nominated Director by Taurus Management Fund Pty Limited, one of the Company's Senior Lenders.
Before joining the mining sector, Ms Johnston managed community humanitarian and development projects in the Democratic Republic of Congo and Burkina Faso. She has an MSc in International
Development Management.
Ms Johnston is the nominated Director by Taurus Management Fund Pty Limited, one of the Company's Senior Lenders.

Michael Anderson (Executive Chairman)
Mr Anderson has over 25 years industry experience, largely in southern Africa and Australia. His career commenced as a geologist with Anglo American, followed by roles in the metallurgical and engineering industries with Mintek, Bateman and Kellogg Brown & Root. He subsequently held senior management positions including Corporate Development Manager at Gallery Gold Limited, and Managing Director at Exco Resources Limited, where he oversaw the successful development of the White Dam Gold Project, and the sale of the Company's Cloncurry Copper Project to Xstrata.
He joined Taurus Funds Management as a Director in August 2011 where his role comprises origination, due diligence and management across a range of the firm's equity and debt investments. Mr Anderson has served as Taurus' nominee on the boards of a number of private and publicly listed companies and is currently a Non-Executive Director of Alliance Mining Commodities, Hot Chili Limited and QMetco Limited.
Mr Anderson is the nominated Chairman by Taurus Managment Fund Pty Limited, one of the Company's Senior Lenders.
He joined Taurus Funds Management as a Director in August 2011 where his role comprises origination, due diligence and management across a range of the firm's equity and debt investments. Mr Anderson has served as Taurus' nominee on the boards of a number of private and publicly listed companies and is currently a Non-Executive Director of Alliance Mining Commodities, Hot Chili Limited and QMetco Limited.
Mr Anderson is the nominated Chairman by Taurus Managment Fund Pty Limited, one of the Company's Senior Lenders.
Ian Goldberg (CFO /ComSec)
Mr Goldberg has more than 20 years of senior finance and commercial experience, initially with PwC and subsequently with several listed Australian public companies. He has extensive experience in the disciplines of financial accounting, project development, mine site operations, corporate finance and company secretarial functions.
Prior to joining Tiger Resources Ltd, Mr Goldberg was CFO of an ASX listed base metals miner in Africa. For the past 12 years, Mr Goldberg has been in CFO, Cosec or Director roles in various companies producing base metals and bulk commodities and has lead Capital raised of over $100 million through share issues and bank debt.
Mr Goldberg is a Chartered Account and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree (Bus & Comm Law).
Prior to joining Tiger Resources Ltd, Mr Goldberg was CFO of an ASX listed base metals miner in Africa. For the past 12 years, Mr Goldberg has been in CFO, Cosec or Director roles in various companies producing base metals and bulk commodities and has lead Capital raised of over $100 million through share issues and bank debt.
Mr Goldberg is a Chartered Account and holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree (Bus & Comm Law).